Sunday, July 26, 2015

Delightful Sycamore

Sycamore branches with their fruits growing directly from the branch (photo: Dr. Loutfy Boulos)
This time of the year is the peak of ripening Sycamore fruits. The Sycamore tree was sacred to the ancient Egyptians, perhaps for its ability to bear fruit all year long. It was godess Hathor’s dedicated tree, and she is pictured sprouting out of the trunk to feed the deceased and his family. The wood of the Sycamore has survived for thousands of years unchanged, from the Pharaonic era until today. It was used to make coffers, furniture and small ornate objects on display at the Egyptian Museum.

Fruits at different stages of ripening as seen from color (photo: Dr. Loutfy Boulos)
The delightful Sycamore Syrup brings all that goodness to your plate! Made from all natural ingredients, the Syrup contains no preservatives, relying on sugar content and pH for preservation. It can be used to uplift the taste of any recipe, adding a sweet, fruity flavor to meat dishes, stuffed vegetables and salad dressings.

Growing out of the tree trunk, the Goddess gives fruit and drink to the deceased in this 19th Dynasty depictiion (Tomb of Sennedjem, West Bank, Luxor; photo: touregypt)