مبيدات الآفات الشديدة الخطورة يجب التخلُّص منها تدريجياً بالبلدان النامية
مأساة التلاميذ المُسمَّمين في الهند تذكيرٌ آخر مُلِح بهذه الضرورة
31 يوليو/تموز 2013، روما -- أكدت منظمة الأمم المتحدة للأغذية والزراعة "FAO"، اليوم أن الحادثة المأساوية في ولاية "بيهار" الهندية حيث لقي 23 تلميذاً حتفهم إثر تناول وجبة طعام مدرسية ملوثة بمبيد"monocrotophos" تأتي بمثابة تذكير مُلِح بضرورة الإسراع بسحب مبيدات الآفات الشديدة الخطورة من أسواق البلدان النامية.
ويُعدّ مبيد "مونوكروتوفوس" مادةً عضوية الفسفور يعتبرها كِلا منظمة "فاو" ومنظمة الصحة العالمية "WHO" بالغة الخطورة. وتدلّ الخبرة السابقة في العديد من البلدان النامية على أن توزيع واستعمال مثل هذه المنتجات العالية السُميّة تشكّل خطراً شديداً في أغلب الأحيان على صحة الإنسان والبيئة.
وتستظهِر حادثة "بيهار" أن الخزن المأمون لمُنتجات مبيدات الآفات والتخلّص الآمن من حاويات المبيدات الفارغة هي إجراءات حاسمة لخفض مستويات الخطر، وعلى نفس درجة الأهمية شأنها شأن التدابير الميدانية الأكثر شيوعاً لارتداء الأقنعة والملابس الواقية.
وفي حين يُستدَل على أن حلقة التوزيع الكاملة ودورة التخلُّص من المبيدات البالغة الخطورة تنطوي على أخطارٍ لا يُستهان بها، يظهر ضمان إجراءات الوقاية في الأحوال كافة أمراً بالغ الصعوبة في بلدان كثيرة.
31, 2013, Rome - The United Nations Food and Agriculture
"FAO", announced today that tragic incident in the state of "Bihar" Indian,
where 23 pupils died after eating a school meal contaminated
with pesticide "monocrotophos". The tragedy comes as a reminder of the urgent need to
accelerate the withdrawal of highly hazardous pesticides from the markets of developing countries.The pesticide "monocrotophos", or organic phosphorus, is considered by both the "FOA" and the World Health Organization "WHO" extremely dangerous. Past
experience indicates that in many developing countries the distribution
and use of such highly toxic products pose a serious threat on
human health and the environment.
There is a consensus among international organizations, including the Organization "FAO" and the World Health Organization and the World Bank, that the products high-risk pesticides should not be made available within the reach of small farmers who lack the knowledge Pkiviat handled but lacked the spray equipment and safe means of storage proper and also protective clothing for the management of such pesticides appropriately. Therefore, teh FAO recommends that the governments of developing countries need to accelerate the withdrawal of highly hazardous pesticides from the public markets.
Non-chemical alternativesIn the meantime, less toxic alternatives are available made of non-chemical materials to use, and in many cases methods of integrated pest management (IPM) provide adequate control of insects to reduce the need for the use of hazardous chemical pesticides. The International Code of Conduct include pesticide management, adoption of voluntary standards for application both in the case of public or private bodies involved in combating pests. As well, a blog's main international reference for the responsible management of pesticides. In the case of pesticide "Monocrotophos" in particular, a total ban option is the only effective way to prevent harm to humans and the environment.
Note that this pesticide is banned from Australia, China, the European Union, the United States, and also from many countries Africa, Asia and Latin America.
FAO | Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy | (+39) 06 570 5362 5 | www.fao.org
There is a consensus among international organizations, including the Organization "FAO" and the World Health Organization and the World Bank, that the products high-risk pesticides should not be made available within the reach of small farmers who lack the knowledge Pkiviat handled but lacked the spray equipment and safe means of storage proper and also protective clothing for the management of such pesticides appropriately. Therefore, teh FAO recommends that the governments of developing countries need to accelerate the withdrawal of highly hazardous pesticides from the public markets.
Non-chemical alternativesIn the meantime, less toxic alternatives are available made of non-chemical materials to use, and in many cases methods of integrated pest management (IPM) provide adequate control of insects to reduce the need for the use of hazardous chemical pesticides. The International Code of Conduct include pesticide management, adoption of voluntary standards for application both in the case of public or private bodies involved in combating pests. As well, a blog's main international reference for the responsible management of pesticides. In the case of pesticide "Monocrotophos" in particular, a total ban option is the only effective way to prevent harm to humans and the environment.
Note that this pesticide is banned from Australia, China, the European Union, the United States, and also from many countries Africa, Asia and Latin America.
FAO | Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy | (+39) 06 570 5362 5 | www.fao.org
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